Meeting Together

Our meetings aim to equip the saints to minister to each other and be a witness of Christ to the world in every area of life. Jesus Christ has given us a mandate to make disciples of all the nations.


Sunday Meetings (3612 Hicks Lane, Chico, CA – Adventist Facility)

Sunday Morning Worship, 10:00 a.m.

Worshiping the Triune God on Sunday. Our aim is to hear God speak to us in His Word and respond with praise, prayer, and adoration.  Biblical preaching explains and applies the riches of God’s truth.

Sermon Recordings available on YouTube:


Celebration of the Lord’s Supper

We celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the first Lord’s Day of every month.  Visitors wishing to partake of The Lord’s Supper should speak with an Elder prior to the worship service.

The Lord’s Supper is a sacrament of the Church instituted by Christ himself. The elements of bread and wine symbolize, for believers, the broken body and shed blood of Christ and our participation at the Lord’s Table represents our communion with Christ. These elements do not physically change into the body and blood of Christ, nor are these elements to be the object of worship. We are to worship the Triune God alone and not any part of His creation.

We must solemnly examine ourselves, recognizing that we, as sinners, are completely unworthy of God’s redeeming grace. Nevertheless, we may joyfully approach the Lord’s Table if we trust in Christ alone, and His atoning sacrifice, for our salvation.

Other Meetings

Fellowship Meals (Time and placed announced in the church bulletin)

Heidelberg Youth Camp (in June)

Confirmation Class (learning our Reformed Confessions)

Adult Sunday School